Transport Range

Uniquely designed for use in bus, trains, trucks, vans removing COVID-19, bacteria, virus and odours in transit


The Complete Transport Solution

Working vehicles have to cope with a lot, the same vehicle may be used for a variety of loads creating problems with cross contamination from both odours and microorganisms between different journeys. Maintaining a clean, odour free and infection-controlled environment is a constant challenge. Busy schedules and quick turnarounds mean that the time allowed for vehicle cleaning is always tight and deep cleaning requires a vehicle to be off the road for a period of time which is lost revenue.

Odours and infections are created by bacteria, viruses, mould, fungi and volatile organic compounds found in the air and on surfaces. Traditional cleaning, disinfecting and use of masking agents cannot control the spread of microorganisms. In 8 hours, a single bacteria cell can multiply to over 8 million*, meaning health risks increase and unpleasant odours prevail, giving the impression of poor cleaning standards.

  • Odour

    Clear embarrassing odours eliminating the need for masking agents.

  • Infection

    Control bacteria and virus both in air and exposed surfaces.

  • Absenteeism

    Reduce absenteeism and labour costs.

  • Customer Experience

    Lift hygiene standards to ensure a great first impression.



Remove COVID-19, Odours, bacteria on the go!

  • Eliminates common cold, flu and vomiting bugs from air and surface

  • Removal of harmful microorganisms from the air like bacteria & virus.

  • Kills mould and fungi spores

  • Clears COVID-19 from air and exposed surface

  • Eliminates Odours


  • Trains, buses and trams

  • Van and trucks

  • Vehicle body and cab decontamination on the go


The advanced technology of the AIRsteril Thermal U/V unit allows the control of bacteria, viruses and moulds both in the air and on surfaces more efficiently than ever before. All of this is achieved without fans and with very low energy consumption. The custom designed thermal convection system ensures that the contaminated air processed through the unit achieves optimum dwell time in the purifying chamber. As the processed air leaves the unit, it then itself becomes an efficient cleaning agent, targeting pathogens both in the air and on surfaces.

*Certain bacteria such as Ecoli can replicate every 20 minutes, which could in theory leave you with 16.7 million in 8 hours, what we are highlighting is that bacteria breed very quickly and cannot be controlled with traditional methods.

Download a brochure for further information


Meet the Range


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(045) 250 092