Frequently Asked Questions
Vape FAQ
This is when someone is trying to hide their vaping activity – they will typically spray cologne or other aerosols to cover up the distinguished smell of marijuana or other vaping smells.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
THC is the chemical component found in marijuana. The HALO Smart Sensor is the only sensor that is able to trace THC oil given off by vape pens, along with the other traditional smoking methods.
Events & Sensors
The HALO Smart Sensor learns the signature of abnormal noise in a room by applying machine learning. The HALO learns what normal sound levels are and alerts when a threshold above normal is detected for a specified length of time. HALO applies aggression detection through true analytics.
False aggression events can occur if there are significant changes in the environment. For example, our customers that have HALO’s installed in schools, the noise level during Summer break vs. the start of the school year varies greatly. If a false event is triggered, please contact support so we can review your logs and thresholds settings and recommend the optimal configuration for HALO.
AQI is an acronym for Air Quality Index.
Measuring AQI is determined by the EPA. It is used to evaluate the quality of the environment regarding the chemicals in the air. An AQI reading can provide us with a number that represents how polluted the air might be. The HALO Smart Sensor provides an AQI measurement that is a rolling average of the quality of the air you are breathing over the course of a few hours.
The HALO makes long measurement cycles for general air quality for the following contaminants:
Particulate Matter (2.5 μm, 10 μm)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO₂)
The HALO Smart Sensor identifies gunshots at the location with two-factor authentication using frequency sound pattern and percussion. The sensor is 3rd party certified and has a 25 foot range with 360° radius detection. The HALO needs to be in the same room as the gunshot to trigger an event.
If there is a false event triggered make sure the HALO is running on the most current firmware version and current security presets are loaded. Contact support if the issue is unresolved.
The HALO Smart Sensor measures CO₂ (Carbon Dioxide) from two sensors; CO2cal and CO2eq. CO2cal is its own individual sensor that takes a calibrated reading of CO2. It is taking a true direct reading of carbon dioxide within the environment and contributes to the Health Index calculation. If carbon dioxide levels are elevated a Health Index event will be triggered.
The CO2eq reading is an indirect measurement of carbon dioxide by finding the equivalent value based on other gases such as hydrogen. The CO2eq reading contributes to Vape and THC events.
CO2 concentration provides a measure of what percentage of the air we inhale consists of air that has already been exhaled by other people, this is called the Rebreathed Fraction. An elevated rebreathed fraction equals a greater probability of the spread of infection.
While the effects of high levels of CO2 were long thought to be benign, research has found that concentrations as low as 1,000 ppm can affect people’s cognitive function and decision-making performance.
The greatest source of indoor CO2 is people themselves, as it’s a byproduct of our respiratory function. Coupled with poor ventilation, this commonly leads to high levels of CO2 in many workplaces.
The easiest way to resolved high CO₂ levels is to open the windows in a room until the levels decrease to as safe level (1,000 ppm or less).
Installation & Set Up
Height will vary based on items detected.
For vape detection, you will need to be at 8-9 foot – no higher.
The HALO IoT Smart Sensor is very easy to install. It mounts in ceiling with a 5-inch (12.7 cm) circular opening and a single CAT5/6 cable with POE. We recommend you use an experienced security integrator to perform the installation to insure it is properly connected to your security system and is installed in the proper location. IPVideo has a network of Security Integrators throughout the USA and would be happy to recommend a certified installer.
HALO does work right out of the box since firmware version 1.32. However, we recommend that you:
Download and update to the newest firmware here. Please follow the “how to” document in the download.
Set up notifications (SMTP Settings) Learn how to set up notifications by visiting the Resources section of this webiste.
Sync your HALO to a NTP server.
Minimal changes need to be made as the default events were made to fit majority of environments. You can turn on/off certain events and actions based on your preferences.
Once HALO is powered on, it requires 24 hours for the sensors to self-calibrate.
We are continuing to improve the performance and add new features to HALO. We recommend users keep HALO up to date with the latest firmware releases. The HALO device comes with a Utility Tool which allows updates to be pushed to one or more HALO devices. The end user will be notified when a new firmware version is available or can check on the IPVideo website. A cloud interface will be available in a future release which will allow the HALO to receive automatic download updates at specified intervals. This will require the HALO to have access to the internet.
Costs & Purchasing
HALO is sold exclusively through a network of resellers such as Purifi and installed by a HALO approved technical team. Resellers are vetted and specially trained to ensure you get the right product and service.
No, there is no minimum purchase quantity.
HALO can be viewed from any SMART device or computer. It does not utilize the cloud for any of its detection capabilities for privacy reasons. Since the unit is self-contained there are no re-occurring connection charges. We do recommend connecting HALO, since it is a security device, to your security system. You may of course choose to use an outside service to monitor its alarms and events. If you wish to use HALO cloud or app there is a yearly charge.
HALO comes with a 2-year warranty. Multi-year extended warranties are sold separately.
HALO has a host of sensors to perform multiple detections. 12 sensors to be exact. The hundreds of combinations it detects expands its capabilities to be able to differentiate between substances as well. For instance, HALO can distinguish between a person vaping and a person vaping with a substance laced with THC.
Some of the things HALO can detect are:
Particulate matter
Humidity that produces mold and other Fungi
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Dioxide
Sound Abnormalities
HALO can typically cover 144 square feet (13.4 square meters) with normal ceiling heights (8ft/2.4m) for vape sensors however other sensors work effectively up to 1963 square feet (182.4 square meters). Its coverage area will also vary by the ventilation in the room, the ceiling height will also be a contributing factor. A pendant mount option is available to keep HALO at its recommended height of 8 feet (2.4 meters).
HALO was purposely designed to maximize efficiency of airflow which shortens the response time to an event. HALO is an effective tool to detect vape but will have obvious limitations if a person uses some physical methods to obscure their vaping. Filtering through clothing, opening of windows, etc. can lower the levels of chemicals reaching its sensors. Third party testing has been done and proven effective, even when blown in a jacket.
HALO does NOT record video. There is NO camera on HALO.
HALO does NOT record audio. HALO only captures decibel level readings; it does NOT record any conversations.
Gunshot detection is included with all HALOs. IPVideo has a patent pending algorithm built into each HALO improving identification of gunshot events with Dual Authentication. HALO incorporates frequency and sound pattern with percussion to detect gunshot in 360 degrees at a 25’ (7.62m) radius for almost 2,000 square feet (185.8 square meters) of coverage and does not require line of site.
HALO is an Iot security device. Detecting anti social behaviour such as aggression, vandalism, smoking, vaping. Indoor air quality, disease control and prevention and has security features such as trespassing, occupation and gun shot detection.
HALO IOT Smart Sensor is a security device which is designed to maintain privacy. Bathrooms and locker rooms are two such places HALO is installed. They are also perfect for dorm rooms, hospital rooms and hotel rooms to provide security while maintaining privacy.
HALO is currently in use in schools throughout the US, Europe and UAE they have uncovered many instances of both vaping and THC use and are successfully used as an additional security feature within buildings. We highlight some of these districts on our site.
Yes, HALO is suitable for use in Colleges and Universities, hospitality centers, commercial buildings, malls, etc. Any location where vaping needs to be controlled and there is a security system or security service to monitor its alerts/events. HALO is perfect for dorm rooms if colleges are concerned about students smoking various substances in rooms, breaking noise ordinances or for dorm and campus safety.
HALO is a SMART sensor with the ability to expand its capabilities in the future. HALO is suitable for use in any industrial complex where environments need to be monitored and controlled. HALO detects chemicals such as CO2, CO and NH3 and ties to the security system or security service to monitor its alerts/events.
Yes this can be used in a residence and many rental units are successfully using HALO today, however there are technical and purchase requirements you need to be aware of that may not be a fit for every home/apartment. HALO requires POE cabling/ethernet connection to operate, confirm you are set up to run before purchasing. IPVideo Corporation does not sell HALO direct to customers, units are purchased from certified distributors and resellers many of which only sell to commercial establishments.
Meth contamination has forced three Denver area libraries to close in the last two months, but they’re not the only public spaces experiencing the kind of substance abuse that poses a health hazard to unsuspecting patrons worldwide.
A technical paper produced by the government of West Australia, which looked into the health risks posed by residual meth, noted that smoking the drug often means heating to vaporize it, which can “deposit on surfaces, leaving residues in a similar manner to those resulting from tobacco or cannabis smoking indoors.”
The HALO Smart Sensor has been used for years in privacy areas to detect and alert to Vaping, Smoking and Vaping with THC. Today Libraries, Retail Outlets and Public Agencies are using the device to help identify and alert to possible drug use early on. HALO currently will not identify the particular drug in use (a secondary chem swab/testing kit or other means will be required for drug identification), however HALO will provide instant alert to the Vaping and Smoking means by which the drug is being consumed.
By providing instant alert to the vaping and smoking behavior security/facility management can immediately address the culprits hopefully prior to overdoses and serious contamination issues occurring on premises.
Integration & Alerting
HALO IOT Smart Sensor interfaces with a VMS in two possible ways. HALO can connect to a VMS via its event management system, thus allowing a direct correlation between the event time and the record time of a camera monitoring activities in/out of the room. HALO can also be connected to the VMS as a camera stream. The status of its sensors can be directly recorded as a video stream.
Since HALO is a security device, we want it to work with any VMS. HALO is currently integrated with multiple VMS platforms with more on the way!
Users can program what they want the HALO Smart Sensor to do. Here are some of the options
1. Send an event message to the Security Systems
2. Send an e-mail or text message to designated personnel
3. Turn on its status light
4. Play a pre-recorded message to sound an alarm through its built-in speaker
5. Or, any combination of the above
HALO is a SMART Sensor! As a security device, HALO is made of Vandal Proof plastic and has an IK10 rating. HALO Smart Sensor also encompasses a tamper sensor in order to detect someone trying to damage it. If the tamper sensor is set, an alert can be sent out in the same manner as a vape alert, or, as an option, HALO has a speaker and light which can be enabled to blink or shriek to alert of the tampering.
HALO Cloud
The HALO is an intelligent sensor on the edge and works standalone. Therefore, the HALO Cloud is optional.
An unlimited number of HALOs can be connected to the HALO Cloud.
An unlimited number of users can be connected to the HALO Cloud.
HALO Cloud is a public cloud hosted by AWS that also offers end user tenancy per domain instance.
Security features include:
OWASP.org penetration testing
Username and password managed by AWS
Communication between HALO and HALO Cloud is token based to protect against spoofing
Multi-factor authentication
Yes, you can store your own floor plans on the interactive map. HALO Cloud supports .jpeg and .png formats.
Sensor data for each HALO has a retention period of one year.
Yes, you are able to download HALO sensor data locally.
From receipt of order, HALO Cloud setup/activation takes up to 2 business days to activate your account.