High Occupancy Air Purifier
Uniquely designed for use in large open spaces with viral elimination at its forefront.
Concert Venue
Lecturer Hall
Government Buildings
Large Ship/ Cruise Liner
Shopping Centre
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Microorganisms are always present in indoor air, many germs can remain airborne for long periods of time. Airborne viruses usually become suspended in the air when an infected individual coughs or sneezes. Once suspended, air movement from thermal convection of heating systems or that generated by methods of air circulation can transport germs over a wide area. Harmful bacteria and viruses in the air are either breathed in by unsuspecting individuals or will eventually settle onto surfaces potentially spreading the contamination and health risk they pose.
Direct UV-C and Germicidal irradiation has long been demonstrated as an effective way to remove harmful pathogens, damaging their genetic material (DNA or RNA) to kill them. Put simply if exposed to the sufficient precise “UV dosage” at the germicidal waveband the microbes will be inactivated. Direct exposure of UV light to people is dangerous due to the intensity of the light, so traditionally this technology is either enclosed requiring air to pass through a sealed unit or only operated in unoccupied areas only, the obvious issue being that germs are spread from person to person in occupied areas.
The UVGI Upper room unit is designed to allow direct Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation of viruses and bacteria in the air across a wide area, without any risk to individuals occupying the area. The unit is fitted high on the wall meaning direct exposure to people is impossible, however it can still target airborne contamination across the area. “Thermal convection” describes the circulation of all air within a room, air heated by a radiator or similar becomes warm and rises and at the same time cooling air from the ceiling falls in an ongoing cycle. Taking advantage of thermal convection and the circulation of air from ventilation systems, the unit is constantly reducing all airborne germs with testing demonstrating over 99% reduction in bacteria levels.
Embarrassing odours, perceived poor hygiene and lack of care
Poor air quality, poor ventilation and recycled air
Infections, norovirus, the common cold and influenza
Increased staff absenteeism, increased costs of agency personnel
Care Homes
Consulting Rooms
The advanced technology of the AIRsteril Thermal U/V unit allows the control of bacteria, viruses and moulds both in the air and on surfaces more efficiently than ever before. All of this is achieved without fans and with very low energy consumption. The custom designed thermal convection system ensures that the contaminated air processed through the unit achieves optimum dwell time in the purifying chamber. As the processed air leaves the unit, it then itself becomes an efficient cleaning agent, targeting pathogens both in the air and on surfaces.
*Certain bacteria such as Ecoli can replicate every 20 minutes, which could in theory leave you with 16.7 million in 8 hours, what we are highlighting is that bacteria breed very quickly and cannot be controlled with traditional methods.
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(045) 250 092