Purifi Technology- Vape Dectors Ireland

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Heat, No Burn Vapes. Everything you need to know…

We take a look at the latest vaping trend to hit Ireland - Heat, No Burn vape. If you have not heard of this type of vape or are unsure of what is in it, this article is for you.

What is the difference between vape and heat, no burn?

A vape or e-cigarette is a battery-operated device that allows the user to breathe in nicotine through a vapour. They are sometimes referred to as Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) and this term also includes devices such as vapes, e-hookahs, e-pipes and e-cigars. These devices work by heating a liquid so that it turns into a vapour for the user to inhale, or ‘vape’. A ‘Heat not burn’ or ‘smokeless tobacco’ products are electronic devices that, unlike e-cigarettes, contain tobacco. The tobacco is heated to a high temperature, without setting it alight and creating ‘smoke’ that the user sucks in. They contain nicotine, additives and are often flavoured. As Heat not burn products contain nicotine they do pose similar risks to cigarettes.

What are the health risk associated with these products?

Although the vapour may look like steam, it does not contain any water. Vape pens create a false sense of security to the user that, as it is not alight or smoking it is a safer alternative to cigarettes. Research has found this to be untrue. With some vapes on the market containing higher number of chemicals and carcinogenic compounds then cigarettes. The liquid is made from chemicals called propylene glycol and/or glycerine, and it can have different flavours and different amounts of nicotine, which the user can select. Unlike traditional cigarettes, the devices do not always contain tobacco but are being used as a gateway to smoking and products such as Heat Not Burn products. As both vape and Heat not Burn products contain harmful chemicals they are recommended by the National Library of Medicine to avoid. The safest alternative to smoking is to quit and not use these products as a way of stopping.

Marketing and Accessibility

Both Vape and Heat Not Burn products are being marketed as the ‘safer’ alternative to traditional smoking such as cigarette, cigars and other tobacco products. Heat Not Burn products are being marketed as ‘undeflectable and untraceable’. Some of the recommended ‘place of use’ we have seen advertised is Schools, Airports, Hospitals, Airports and other smoking prohibited settings. This narrative is having a big impact on school users using these products, especially in both privacy areas such as toilet blocks and public spaces like hallways and classrooms. As there is no sound and virtually no vapour being emitted it is becoming very difficult to detect and intervene. These products are all detectable with our HALO smart sensor. Traditional vape devices, Heat, No Burn and devices which contain THC (cannabis) are all detectable.

How to combat the issue?

With the ever changing climate of smoking, vaping, herbal vaporisers (THC) and CBD vapes flooding the Irish market, it has never been a better time to introduce HALO to your school or facility. With this AI sensor you can monitor privacy areas with ease. Our device will detect when vaping, masking agents and THC events occur and notify you, in real time straight to your device. Other key features of the product is the anti-bullying feature which will support your school irradiating these behaviours within these privacy settings. Vandalism and aggression detection will protect these spaces from harm, notifying you when these events are occurring so you can intervene in real time. Where HALO has been introduced we have seen a 90% reduction in aggressive behaviours and a complete irradiation of smoking withing these spaces.

Join our movement to give our students there bathrooms back! Get in touch for a free information pack, call or chat about some of our products we are supporting Irish Schools with. You are not alone in this issue, it is something we can tackle together.

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